Rocket Introduction
Looking up into the sky you see
a blur, what is that? It's it a bird? no. Is it
a plane? no. It's The Rocket.
Waiting in anticipation for your
seat, you see the giant Rocket coming in for landing.
It touches down and your seat is ready. Once seated
and buckled in, you start wondering if space travel
was really meant for mankind. Slowly the Rocket
starts to lift? Oh no this is it. The engines
start to whirr and a red glow with smoke can been
seen from the engines 3.... 2.....1..... BLAST
OFF. The rocket starts to fly through the air,
and then out of no where the fuselage start to
turn, here we go. Corkscrewing through the air
you realize, this is what mankind was made for.
The rocket seats 5 rows of 2
passengers, once all secured the rocket is lifted
60 meters plus into the air via 2 hydraulic rams.
Once at ride height, 6 electric motors spin the
gondola around a 100 meter diameter. During the
ride the gondola and seats rotate via an E-Motor,
giving riders a corkscrew like ride motion. At
the rear 3 rocket engines release smoke and are
lit with red LEDs. Upon completion of ride cycle
the rocket is then lowered back to a landing platform
where riders can disembark.
