Slingshot™ Introduction
This innovative Slingshot™ amusement device is by
far one the most exciting vertical amusement
rides available today. Slingshot™ passengers
are propelled over 100 metres at speeds in
the region of 160 kilometers per hour.
The Slingshot™ machine does not utilize rubber ropes
or bungee cords but is powered by a patented
spring propulsion device incorporating up
to 720 specially designed springs.
The Slingshot™ can be custom designed to
cause minimal disruption to existing venues.
This includes tower designs that consume
a few square metres of land and use elevated
gondola loading platforms where space is
at a premium.
For the ultimate thrill ride Funtime have
Slingshot™ designs able to propel the passenger
capsule more than 150 metres high. Other
designs are available that have a passenger
capacity of around 240 passengers per hour.
