About the StarFlyer™
The StarFlyer™ is the newest sensation
in the world of Tower rides. It is a unique
attraction that appeals to both young and
old, the adventurous and not so adventurous.
While most tower attractions seem to fizzle
out after time the StarFlyer™ keeps the excitement
No other family attraction
combines safety and thrills like the StarFlyer™.
The StarFlyer™ can operate in high winds
unlike many other Tower rides as it has been TUV certified
to operate in a wind speed of force 8 (74Km/h)1.
We are also increasing the height of the SkyFlyer™ every year
and a sales representative will be able advise you of our
current maximum height.
To ride, guests are seated in a double
seat next to their friend or partner, the
seat is deep walled and fitted with double
seat belts that include an 'in between the
leg harness' that can only be unlocked by
the operator.
The motion of the StarFlyer™ is similar
to the ChairFlyer type of ride that has
been around for decades, except with one
difference - Altitude.
The StarFlyer™ spins like a normal Chainflyer
but also races up to a top as it is spinning!
Then the customers are treated to a series of
ups and downs as they spin backwards and forwards.
A truly exhilarating experience.
StarFlyer Links
122m Sixflags StarFlyer
122m Grona Lund StarFlyer
117m Vienna Starflyer
